Our Reviewers

Because bestsellingbooks’ reputation was built on our unparalleled ability to assess literary merit, we select only the strongest reviewers to join our team. Our three step qualification process guarantees that your manuscript will go to an experienced reviewer with a track record of success.

Bestselling books  only selects reviewers who have worked on books published by the top publishers in Nigeria. They have the basic qualifications to review books in many genres.
If a reviewer's portfolio meets our discriminating standards, he or she is invited to complete our testing round, which is used to evaluate skill level. To pass the testing round, a reviewer must prove his or her ability to provide thoughtful, productive feedback, show exceptional attention to detail, and exhibit expert knowledge in book review. 
Bestselling book's reviewers are held to the industry’s highest performance standards, which means our stable of freelancers have proven track records of meeting deadlines and maintaining consistent quality. We ensure that our standards are met on each project by assigning an experienced production editor to review all work before it is returned to the author.

Pitch us your book and we will send you three reviews from our board of editors and with your directive, we will publish them on Amazon. 

*Please Note, if your book does not meet our criteria for a bestseller, we will not publish and encourage our readers to buy them. We only promote bestsellers. Thank you. 

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 Promote your books on instagram @heval_instamarketing_9ja A new promotion platform has been launched by V2C Networks, on instagram, which i...